Friday, May 10, 2013

Pottery Barn, I love you.

Good Morning!

Feels great to be at HOME on a this rainy Friday morning. Yesterday was my last day at my previous job, and on Monday I will start fresh in a new position in a completely different industry.

I'd be a massive liar if I said I wasn't slightly nervous. A "good nervous" though, the kind of nervous you get when you feel like you're starting something worth pursuing...

As with all things, we shall see how it goes. Well, hopefully!

I wish I could sit in my new p.j's all day and do nothing, however, I've got  a few things I need to accomplish this morning (drum roll please...!):

Dropping off Marv to be groomed (ugh......always a massive production).....
Getting my hair cut (fresh new do for the new job!)
Tending to a mountain of dry cleaning (this requires an entire paragraph of complaining, see below)

I feel super, SUPER old when I look in my closet and realize that darn near 1/2 of what I own is "dry clean only". Honestly? What the F. Who buys so many garments with ridiculous cleaning requirements (um, yeah - this girl!). After researching the cost of dry cleaning in our town, I vowed to cut back on my purchasing of such items. My vow = out the window.

I swear, I've got 25 things waiting to be done. OUCH!!!!!!! (that, ladies and gents = the sound of my wallet crying).

I wish, with my entire heart and soul that a ZIPS dry cleaner (one of those places that charges $1.99 for everything) would come here. I was be so happy, I'd nearly die.

Until then, I guess I'll be stuck paying $5.99 for a suit jacket! Lameness.

In other news, we're just about ready to start moving upstairs (reno project wise!). Or should I say, I am ready to move upstairs.....

Andrew thinks we should wait until the fall, but I don't think I can stand the old floors upstairs for much longer. They're so hard to clean, and we've got the materials sitting in the basement, which makes me feel totally wasteful. Of course, once they start working upstairs, we will be living in a cloud of dust, which goodness knows will test my patience!

I've decided that if we meet our savings goals for the next few months, I'm buying myself a new sofa (getting crazy now!). I think I've finally found the one, check it out below. Of course, the fabric I've selected is a grade C.....

Alas, Pottery Barn, you own my soul.

Happy Weekend!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

muffins, meal planning and rental property snafus....

Good Morning & Happy Sunday!

I'm getting off to a s-l-o-w start this morning as it is nearly 10 am and I'm still in my p.j's (doesn't happen often, I'm trying to enjoy it!).

Andrew and I had a late night at the condo (window emergency, ah rentals...) so I've decided to take it easy this morning.

I baked some cranberry muffins (only turned out so-so) and now I'm planning my weekly meals. Meal planning is something that I always remember my mother doing growing up, and I must say it isn't nearly as fun as it looked back in the day....

I remember watching my mom sit at the kitchen table on Friday evenings with a giant stack of magazines and cook books (pre Google, oh the horror!) combing through page after page looking for healthy meal ideas.

My mother is an excellent cook and completely self-taught. She did some experimenting in those early years, but trial and error has certainly worked in her favor. To this day, I can honestly say that I would prefer a dish prepared by my mother over anything else that you could put in front of me.

With the recent rehab of our kitchen, I've been spending more and more time cooking (I would consider myself to be very much in the "trial and error" phase) and I've got to say I really enjoy it. Maybe one day I'll have a daughter who will help me comb through recipes, with the help of Google of course!

Because my cranberry muffins turned out so-so, I'll include another muffin recipe that I really enjoy :)

If you need help meal planning and you're tech savvy there are several great tech options out there for you, my favorite is found below.

I'm lame so I mostly use good 'ol pen and paper (pen + paper also = FREE!).

Website charge = $9.95 for 8 weeks (worth it!):

