Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Budget Buster Series - Part 1


Now that we're living lush on a smaller income, I figured I would let you all in on a few  "budget busting" tips that I've learned along the way.

FHL'S "Budget Buster Series" will be made up of four parts:

(1) Three painless and EASY ways to start gaining control over the dollar bills you've got!

(2) Cutting corners (how to reduce your monthly "no fun" expenses: groceries, cable, all that jazz)

(3) Paying down debt (I am a self-proclaimed pro at this!)

(4) Taking a step back and APPRECIATING what you've already got (Do me a favor - clean out your closet. That blouse you never wore. Um, yeah - that was a WASTE of $$$$$)

Disclaimer : I am by no means (duh!) a financial genius, expert, planner or Suze Orman. I am merely a chick who loves to crunch numbers, land a deal and NEVER PAY RETAIL! 

Let's start with part one, shall we?

Three EASY, almost PAINLESS ways to STOP lighting a match to your HARD EARNED dollar bills (and, no I won't tell you to stop drinking lattes. I love lattes. The world loves lattes.  All lattes do not have to fall victim to your new fiscally responsible ways!)

- Carry cash. Debit and credit cards don't always feel like real money. Let's be honest with ourselves, shall we? Swiping is easy, handing over REAL, ACTUAL $$$ hurts a bit! No joke, I cringe at the thought of handing over cash, it is a horrible feeling!
- Have separate accounts for bills and fun. Your "bill" account is just that - an account for bills. Your fun account is where you can house your "play" money. Don't beat yourself up about using your play money. If you've paid your bills, funded your savings (even a tiny bit!) then you're allowed to give yourself permission to buy something you want. Go nuts with your fun money on lattes ;)

- Cook at home! I realize this isn't going to be "easy or painless" for some. However, eating out is EXPENSIVE. Especially if you've got little ones in tow, or a husband who wants an appetizer with every meal. 

See, that wasn't all that bad - was it? I didn't tell anyone to stop drinking lattes, or to hunker down in their house and wait to ever come out again until ever single penny of debt was paid off (I'd die in my house if that was the case!).

Happy fiscally responsible latte drinking to you all :) Stay tuned for part two of FHL's four part series!