Thursday, October 9, 2014

And.....we're BACK! To blogging and DIY'ing that is! It's been a wildly crazy few months around this old farmhouse.

The real estate biz is booming, the husband is working some crazy hours, and our piggy bank needed a little R&R.

Now that we've recovered (hardly) we've decided to take on yet another major project - the guest bathroom.

The former owners of our house got stuck with all the lame, no frills reno stuff (roof, patio, and the HardiePlank siding) while we've been stupid enough  lucky enough to take on all the cosmetic changes.

Over the last two years, we've completed a laundry list of projects including:

- First floor decorative mouldings
- Installing new hardwood floors throughout the entire house (I'm still in pain financially, emotionally and otherwise from this line item)
- Full kitchen reno (ditto to the pain part)
- Replaced nearly all light fixtures
- Painted the entire house (sans one room!)
- Replaced all mulch on the property with river rock
- Opened up two of the four original fireplaces (one now works!)
- Wall paper in dining room
- Sanded and stained stair treads
- Started (key word here!) repainting all of the original woodwork (this sucks, no doubt about it - it requires lots and lots of paint scraping, sanding, caulk - HORRID)
- Built radiator covers for all rads on the first floor
- Built backyard fire pit
- Built new outdoor sectional sofa

I'm sure I'm forgetting something; however - typing this all out makes me start to dream about a turn key, brand new townhouse....alas....I'm a glutton for punishment....

I digress.

The guest bath.

It's freaking ugly. And we all know that I don't do ugly when it comes to home decor.

So, we started the demo this week.

Currently the bathroom looks like this:

There was this horribly nasty plastic sheet crap on the walls - EW. We're going to use a classic white subway tile to surround the original cast iron tub (circa 1910):

Dog bomb + plastic sheet. Charley can take a pee on that plastic sheet for all I care.....

I found this is be comical - our "happily ever after" is currently a messy bathroom covered in smelly, old tub plastic and broken plaster.... I also have no idea what that freaky blue glow from the sink is. Glare? Nah - it's totally a sign from the DIY goddess that our new bathroom will be fab. Most def.

And...finally...the biggest and BEST discovery of all time:

SHIPLAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Was hiding behind a mirror!)

What is heck is shiplap, you say? Basically it is an AWESOME historic building material used in the late 1800's and early 1900's. It is generally pine, or some other cheap wood. The former owners of our farmhouse had painted the guest bath teal (look, I love me some teal - but not in a house that is 100+ years old that screams french country).......

Our interim solution to the teal equaled some lame tan to make the bathroom look a wee bit less horrid while we plotted our reno.

Now we've got two coats of paint to remove. FAIL.

Fastforward a few weeks and I'm hoping that our guest bath will look like this:

Picture graciously borrowed from here:

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