Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wallet Friendly Dinner Ideas

Well hello there Wednesday......

I'm taking a break from the budget busting series to share a few yummy (and super easy!) recipes that I've been adding to my repertoire.

Cutting down on your monthly expenses is MUCH easier if you make an effort to cook at home. I know many of us aren't blessed with the gift of culinary expertise, but that doesn't mean you have to spend the rest of your life eating from a box.

I find the majority of my recipes from either Eating Well, or Budget Bytes.

Over the last few months, Budget Bytes has been the place to be for me. Easy, quick and most of the recipes utilize several items that I keep on hand (canned tomatoes, veggie broth, etc.).

Below, I've listed a few of my favorites to get you started.....


First up, chicken taco bowls. This is honestly SO easy. You dump all the ingredients into a slow cooker and BAM - deliciousness. We've had them twice in the last three weeks. Leftovers are perfect for lunch, and I swear - it is even better the next day!

Next up, the Spinach and Artichoke wonder pot. This recipe is AMAZING. Easy, quick and it tastes a fancier then it truly is. Easy on the wallet too!

And finally, a true staple in our house. It can be jazzed up with a few modifications. I had a friend serve it for a casual dinner party. To make it "dinner party worthily" she added high-quality mushrooms and topped with an expensive cheese (sorry parmesan, you aren't exotic enough!)

YUM! This is also a great option for lunches. It keeps well, reheats well, plus it is easy and delicious.

Cheers to a delicious dinner!

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