Sunday, February 3, 2013

The tile project is underway and we are rocking @ the farm house. Nothing like a little (um, or a lot!) of manual labor to get you moving...

Yesterday, we worked on the tile project for about 11 hours. Today we're back at it hoping and to be ready to grout tomorrow....

A breakdown of events @ the FH yesterday can be found below! Enjoy!

7:00 am wake up call, ugh! Thankfully, we had some liquid crack to start the day off.  Thanks Jen and Jer!!!!

We started off by changing the placement of some of the existing cabinets. *Note, these have yet to be refinished, that we occur this week!*


After: *We took that tall three cabinet thingy from one side of the wall to the other so the fridge could be flanked on either side with cabinets.... THIS WASN'T EASY!!!*

Then we started busting up the tile, which was my job. I know some of you may not believe that I've got a handy bone in my body, au contraire, I am the daughter of a Carpenter...

Then we started getting a little nutty, thanks in part to my outfit of choice for the day. Safety first people! .....this was hour 6 or 7....

Our stopping point for the day. Doesn't look like much, but these are 4x4 tiles!

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Please excuse the odd sentence towards the top of the post, I am without coffee this morning!
